Gail M. Beaton


9/20/2020: A BIG thank you to everyone who listened to my presentation for the National Women's History Museum. To view this presentation:
Colorado Women in World War II
University Press of Colorado, 2020
Comments from the Judges:
"This book provides sweeping coverage of the development of women's units in all branches of the military during World War II and the experiences of Colorado women within those units, tribute to those individual women, and recognition to an inland state's significant contributions to the war effort. An important contribution to both Colorado and US women's history."
"Beaton's work is well-researched and demonstrates a variety of resources. The oral histories offer an invaluable insight in to the lives, contributions, and legacy of various Colorado women during World War II."
"An excellent history of American women's service in World War II, with each chapter focusing on a particular branch of service. Information on the experience of individual Colorado women as they travel the world in service to their country illustrate the breadth of their involvement in the war effort. Excellent research make this book a great book for both historians and general readers."

I am pleased to announce that The Women's Bank: A Denver Success Story has been published. I was so thrilled to be able to work with Dr. Tom Noel ("Dr. Colorado") on the compelling story of the most successful women's bank in the United States. It was such a privilege and honor to meet many of the fine, dedicated, and amazing women who were instrumental in the bank's success and who continue to advocate for women in all areas of life.

Colorado Women: A History
University Press of Colorado, 2012
Member and Chair of the Archives Committee of the Denver Woman's Press Club
Charter Member of the National Women's History Museum

Member: Women Writing the West
Member: The Western History Association

"Gail Murphy: Colorado's Rosie the Riveter"
"Sarah Platt Decker: National Women's Club Leader and Colorado Suffragist"